Web to Print Templates
Printing marketing documents can be a huge undertaking for a business, especially if it is a large organisation spanning multiple locations. The approval process can be time-consuming when you have to go back and forth with the designer to make needed changes to the document before sending it to the printer. It can also be costly when changes have to be made at the last minute. On top of that, you have to ensure that the branding and messaging are consistent across all locations of the business, which can be extremely difficult to manage for large, multinational or franchise organisations.

Benefits of Using Web to Print Templates
Using web to print templates can help to save a lot of time and hassle as you can easily make the changes yourself through the web portal. Multiple users can employ the same templates, guaranteeing consistency across all branches of the business. This also helps to save huge amounts of money in the long run, as you gain access to bulk discounts for large group orders. You can harness the buying power of the entire organisation rather than each branch operating individually.
Web to print templates stay in line with your brand’s style guide, using the designated fonts, images, logos and colours for your brand identity. This way, you have the same basic framework for all your brochures, business cards, posters, flyers and other marketing materials. Each template is entirely personalised for your business’ branding.
The Web to Print Process
A web to print portal streamlines the process of designing, approving and ordering your documents in a centralised location that can be used by any managers granted access. Permission-based buying lets you choose who is and is not able to order printed documents so you can better keep track of your branding messages. It is easy to make changes to the template directly through the portal, without having to go back and forth with a designer to get it just right. Your documents can be viewed in PDF format, and once your project has been approved, it is ready to go to the printer. The portal allows you to make changes right up until the point of printing.
Simplified Ordering Procedures
When it comes to the ordering process itself, the portal makes it easy with self-service ordering 24/7. You can track your orders through the portal and can even reorder past documents with a simple click of a button. You can also view detailed reports about past orders and inventory history, giving you a fuller picture of your marketing efforts. Centralising the ordering process makes it easier to account for in your financial statements and streamlines asset management.
Web to print templates are not just for multinational organisations though. Businesses of all sizes can enjoy the benefits of this highly efficient and cost-effective process.