“HydroKleen appoints marketing supply chain group to support unprecedented growth”


Understanding that rapid growth would create pressure on existing resources with a need to focus on core business activities, the HydroKleen franchise management team required a custom out-sourced solution that would support all the marketing and operational needs for the franchise group.


Impressed with the model of SFM’s systems and procedures, HydroKleen requested that SFM perform an audit on their print marketing, branded promotional and merchandise items. With substantial cost savings revealed, SFM developed a custom online supply chain solution that included digital asset management. Enabling the franchisees to view and purchase all the approved HydroKleen branded product online and the franchise support team powerful real-time warehouse and management reporting.


The brand audit secured HydroKleen across the board savings of almost 20%. SFM financed warehouse stock to an agreed level, providing the cash flow advantages for HydroKleen’s future growth plans. With the support of their dedicated SFM Account Manager, the HydroKleen custom online portal was adopted seamlessly by the franchisees. Enabling the franchise support management team access to the real-time automated reports that will streamline their business roles.
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